The Rilligong are huge pseudo-mammalian cyborg-creatures from a cluster of war-torn solar systems within the Sagittarius Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy. Their war-pods have spontaneously, simultaneously popped into position directly over several densely populated worlds thanks to what analysts are tentatively calling 'Ripple Drives.' The Rilligong are heavily armored, extremely hostile and well able to chop most regulation tactical units into debris while advancing behind a rolling plasma-barrage expertly coordinated between each individual field unit. How many more worlds will fall before someone discovers a way to stop these marauders?
Bigger... |
Rilligong (type I)
P +3
T 1
MV Biped (30')
HP 12+
SP +
Rilligong are invaders from a cluster of worlds far removed from the Known Worlds. They are huge, powerful and have begun to attack several worlds simultaneously in what appears to be a massively coordinated effort.
Special: Rilligong continuously recover 2 hit points each round. They are also in continuous communication with each unit in their group allowing them to coordinate their efforts to suit prevailing conditions, adapt to surprises, call for reinforcements, focus their personal artillery to best effect, etc.
Nice design on these. Your stuff always has an exotic feel.
ReplyDeleteAwesome! What character class does one choose to tackle such a threat!?
ReplyDeleteThanks Trey. This was a fun experiment. Guess that Kirby & Druillet really had an impact on my childhood and adolescence.
ReplyDeleteHi Whitney--that's a great question. We pretty much leave it up to the players, and which system is being used. These guys are small armies unto themselves, so you'd want to have a few friends, probably a cadre of troops on your side, when you go up against them, especially in a skirmish-style scenario. They are tough, but they can be beaten.
ReplyDeletePsychics might find a way to listen-in on the Rilligong's closed telepathic comm-system, which would be akin to the Enigma machines in WWII. Spell-casters might consider how to subvert an individual Rilligong through various spells...especially some of the more dangerous spells we provide here at the blog. Fighters, warriors and soldiers are going to need some really advanced weapons in order to fight these guys. Scientists and tech-types might have a field-day once they recover a Rilligong carcass or get a chance to infiltrate and examine one of those war-pods...
These things will require a team, and probably an army, to have any real chance of stopping them...which is all the better for running multiple invasion scenarios and skirmishes.
Yeah, these guys definitely call for imaginative cooperative play, good job!
DeleteIs their armor directly fused with their body? And are they clone troopers?
ReplyDeleteRilligong armor is directly integrated into their bodies, but they can and will scavenge bits off of their fallen comrades to replace anything that is failing or broken in the course of battle, but this is only a matter of convenience. Their healing encompasses their armor and intrinsic sub-systems. Those 'fallen comrades' tend not to stay down for too long before they go back into action (about the time they reach half-strength, usually). This practice is purely practical--it gets an other-wise 1/2-strength Rilligong back up to full power more quickly, giving their fellows more time to further rebuild and heal themselves.
ReplyDeleteSo far no one has come up with a decent weapon to really stop these things. Surely there is something out there that can kill a Rilligong once and for all...but so far nothing in the conventional arsenals of dozens of planets have made much a dent in them for very long.
As to clone-troopers...Rilligong are mass reproduced, techno-hermaphrodites; each one is capable of spawning their own subordinate squads of trooplets, should they decide to do so.